Hiring virtual assistants can do more than free up your time so you can concentrate on your most important work; it can actually change the way you work forever, enabling you to get more done and enjoy your career more than ever before. But how exactly does hiring a virtual assistant benefit you? And why do so many businesses choose to hire VA’s over full-time employees? Here are some of the most important benefits of hiring a virtual assistant.

1) Save Time

Having a virtual assistant means that you won’t be wasting time scheduling your appointments and booking trips, you’ll save up to 50% of your time, or even more. Your daily tasks become easier and all you have to do is focus on doing business, instead of spending hours going through your schedule and taking care of other non-business related tasks. Instead, hire someone who can work from home (or from anywhere), will work tirelessly for you and get everything done in a timely manner without fail. This will allow you to focus on growing your business rather than trying to manage it.

2) Save Money

If you have heavy administrative tasks that take up time but could be done just as well by a trained assistant, it makes sense to look into hiring help. Today, many professional assistants work online and charge reasonable rates. For example, Lisa Fickenscher, a virtual bookkeeper with more than ten years’ experience in accounting and bookkeeping services, charges $100 per month to keep track of your expenses. If you are looking for assistance with invoicing clients or other common business tasks, look no further than Upwork or eLance to find hundreds of qualified candidates willing to do so at reasonable rates.

3) Work From Anywhere

Ever dream of working from home? If you hire a virtual assistant, you can. Not only does it provide you with convenience and flexibility in terms of your schedule, but also brings a host of other benefits that can make both your business and personal life much easier to manage. With services such as administrative work or technical assistance at your fingertips, there are very few tasks that need to fall to you anymore. Plus, many assistants will perform tasks on-demand—anytime day or night—so you don’t have to worry about having enough time in a given week to get everything done. All told, saving time is one of many advantages hiring an assistant has for entrepreneurs with busy schedules.

4) Take Back Control

Finding and working with a virtual assistant can help you get more things done. A VA can help relieve stress by managing menial tasks, such as responding to emails and filing paperwork—leaving you free to focus on other activities. That’s not all; these professionals are also equipped with industry-specific knowledge that can assist your business. For example, a virtual assistant who specializes in marketing and social media may review your social media profiles for free or offer recommendations to increase traffic. This is one way to reach new customers without spending money on advertising or hiring additional staff members. What’s more, if your business thrives, you may be able to hire additional VAs at any time without having to renegotiate contracts or move employees around—saving you time (and stress).

5) Be Present for Others

It’s one thing to hire someone who can do everything for you, but it’s another to find someone you trust and have fun working with. You might find that even if you need to hire someone, you don’t actually need all those services. Assess what is really important for your business, then decide if any of those tasks are worth hiring out. If not, don’t be afraid to do them yourself—some of them might even be fun!

The Conclusion

There are many benefits to hiring a virtual assistant. Depending on what you’re looking for, there is a type of VA out there who can handle your requests with relative ease. If you want someone who works faster and smarter than your average employee, you can try posting on social media to get students at local colleges or junior high school students wanting some extra cash. Whatever it is that you need, chances are there is someone out there who wants to do something similar as well – just find them!